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A little over a year ago, I wrote a post about some fascinating music tech that was coming out at the time . A year later, Cubase 14...
Fascinating Rhythm: A look at Interesting & Cutting Edge Music Technology Part I
Welcome to the first part of a new series where I explore cutting edge music technology that may or may not shake up the scoring tech...
Remote Work Software
In the post-covid world, people are working remotely from home (WFH) more than ever. Composers can now assist other composers, video chat...
A Basic Approach to Troubleshooting
Knowing how to approach determining and fixing a problem is an incredibly useful skill. Even if you don’t know the exact solution to...
Resource Management Techniques
Modern computers are getting more and more powerful each year. But many of us are not running the fastest and most cutting-edge machines,...
Macros, Automation, & Scripting
Many composers use scripts or additional programs to perform complex tasks in a specific order. We call these types of programs “macros”,...
Templates II: Set Up
Setting up a template, especially a large master template, can be a very daunting task. And as we all strive for an ideal workflow, we...
File Management Part II: Miscellaneous Workflow Enhancements
There are a few other small habits you can incorporate into your workflow that can save you time in the present and/or the future. 1. ...
Operating Systems I: Mac, Windows, & Linux (feat. MacOS navigation tips)
The operating system is the interface between the user and the hardware. It is responsible for coordinating the hardware resources,...
Templates I: Schools of Thought
Templates are the backbone of a media composer’s set up. They are the main purpose for all of the set ups detailed throughout this book...
File Management Techniques
Maintaining an organized file system makes it much easier to find specific files and folders when needed and by creating standard for...
Networks Part 2: Network Architecture in the Music Studio
In part 1, we looked at the hardware components of a basic network including modems, firewalls, routers, switches, and WAPS. Using these...
Networks Part 1: Hardware Components
What is a network? Whenever you connect two or more devices together, we refer to that as a network. There are many ways to design a...
Protecting Your Gear: Power Strips, Surge Protectors, Power Conditioners, PDUs & UPS's
With all of the expensive computers, synths, speakers, and other gear in your studio running on electricity, there may come a time when...
Ten Principles of Cable Management
Running multiple computers, servers, electronic musical instruments, touch screens etc. can create a giant mess of cables in your studio....
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